About Us

- Dr. Nikhil Chaudhari
Best Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon In Delhi

- Dr. Nikhil Chaudhari
Best Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon In Delhi
- Awards and Achievements
- Youngest Vascular Surgeon in India
- Rank 2 in exit exam
- Completed medical education in merit quota
- Memberships
- Lifetime member, Vascular Society of India
- Presented many posters and award papers in National Vascular Surgery Conference (VSICON)
- Reviewer of articles in Indian Journal of Vascular Surgery (IJVES)
- Teaching and Lectures
- Invited lecture on Vascular trauma at ICJP
- Host a live surgical workshop every year ( Endovascular Live-EVL)
- Faculty in teaching institute (Sir Ganga Ram Hospital) which is training three students every year in Superspeciality of Vascular Surgery
- Invited for Cadaveric Workshop at Deendayal Hospital for General Surgery trainees as a faculty
- Invited as a proctor for performing complex endovascular cases and endovascular glue ablation for varicose veins
- Part of routine academic lectures conducted by NBE ( National Board of Examination) on Saturday for vascular surgery trainees.
- Licenture
- Member, Maharashtra Medical Council
- Member, Delhi Medical Council
- Publications
- Chaudhari N, Bedi V, Agarwal S, Yadav A, Satwik A, Srivastava A. Complex aortic aneurysm associated with multiple splanchnic arterial aneurysms and a giant coronary artery aneurysm: An endovascular nightmare. Indian J VascEndovasc Surg [Internet]. 2021;8(2):179. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/ijves.ijves_55_20
- Shah R, Bedi V, Yadav A, Agarwal S, Satwik A, Srivastava A, Chaudhari N et al. Indian venasealTM Experience study – Outcomes of nonthermal and nontumescent endovenous glue ablation for treatment of truncal reflux in varicose vein disease: An Indian perspective. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg [Internet]. 2022;9(2):145. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/
- Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Angiography in Lower Limb Angioplasties of Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients with Borderline Chronic Kidney Disease Compared to the Standard Contrast Agent. Chaudhari, Nikhil Vilas; Agarwal, Sandeep; Bedi, Varinder Singh; Satwik, Ambarish; Yadav, Ajay; Srivastava, Apurva
– Youngest Vascular Surgeon in India
– Rank 2 in exit exam
– Completed medical education in merit quota
– Lifetime member, Vascular Society of India
– Presented many posters and award papers in National Vascular Surgery Conference (VSICON)
– Reviewer of articles in Indian Journal of Vascular Surgery (IJVES)
– Invited lecture on Vascular trauma at ICJP
– Host a live surgical workshop every year ( Endovascular Live-EVL)
– Faculty in teaching institute (Sir Ganga Ram Hospital) which is training three students every year in Superspeciality of Vascular Surgery
– Invited for Cadaveric Workshop at Deendayal Hospital for General Surgery trainees as a faculty
– Invited as a proctor for performing complex endovascular cases and endovascular glue ablation for varicose veins
– Part of routine academic lectures conducted by NBE ( National Board of Examination) on Saturday for vascular surgery trainees.
– Member, Maharashtra Medical Council
– Member, Delhi Medical Council
- Chaudhari N, Bedi V, Agarwal S, Yadav A, Satwik A, Srivastava A. Complex aortic aneurysm associated with multiple splanchnic arterial aneurysms and a giant coronary artery aneurysm: An endovascular nightmare. Indian J VascEndovasc Surg [Internet]. 2021;8(2):179. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/ijves.ijves_55_20
- Shah R, Bedi V, Yadav A, Agarwal S, Satwik A, Srivastava A, Chaudhari N et al. Indian venasealTM Experience study – Outcomes of nonthermal and nontumescent endovenous glue ablation for treatment of truncal reflux in varicose vein disease: An Indian perspective. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg [Internet]. 2022;9(2):145. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/
- Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Angiography in Lower Limb Angioplasties of Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients with Borderline Chronic Kidney Disease Compared to the Standard Contrast Agent. Chaudhari, Nikhil Vilas; Agarwal, Sandeep; Bedi, Varinder Singh; Satwik, Ambarish; Yadav, Ajay; Srivastava, Apurva
– Youngest Vascular Surgeon in India
– Rank 2 in exit exam
– Completed medical education in merit quota
– Lifetime member, Vascular Society of India
– Presented many posters and award papers in National Vascular Surgery Conference (VSICON)
– Reviewer of articles in Indian Journal of Vascular Surgery (IJVES)
– Invited lecture on Vascular trauma at ICJP
– Host a live surgical workshop every year ( Endovascular Live-EVL)
– Faculty in teaching institute (Sir Ganga Ram Hospital) which is training three students every year in Superspeciality of Vascular Surgery
– Invited for Cadaveric Workshop at Deendayal Hospital for General Surgery trainees as a faculty
– Invited as a proctor for performing complex endovascular cases and endovascular glue ablation for varicose veins
– Part of routine academic lectures conducted by NBE ( National Board of Examination) on Saturday for vascular surgery trainees.
– Member, Maharashtra Medical Council
– Member, Delhi Medical Council
- Chaudhari N, Bedi V, Agarwal S, Yadav A, Satwik A, Srivastava A. Complex aortic aneurysm associated with multiple splanchnic arterial aneurysms and a giant coronary artery aneurysm: An endovascular nightmare. Indian J VascEndovasc Surg [Internet]. 2021;8(2):179. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/ijves.ijves_55_20
- Shah R, Bedi V, Yadav A, Agarwal S, Satwik A, Srivastava A, Chaudhari N et al. Indian venasealTM Experience study – Outcomes of nonthermal and nontumescent endovenous glue ablation for treatment of truncal reflux in varicose vein disease: An Indian perspective. Indian J Vasc Endovasc Surg [Internet]. 2022;9(2):145. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/
- Evaluation of Carbon Dioxide Angiography in Lower Limb Angioplasties of Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients with Borderline Chronic Kidney Disease Compared to the Standard Contrast Agent. Chaudhari, Nikhil Vilas; Agarwal, Sandeep; Bedi, Varinder Singh; Satwik, Ambarish; Yadav, Ajay; Srivastava, Apurva